Get thousands of Fb/Twitter/MANYMORE followers hourly!
What is AddMeFast?
AddMeFast is a network that will help you grow your social presence. We allow you to look and choose who you want to like/subscribe/follow/view and skip those who you are not interested in.
This means that you can get the following:
Facebook Post/Photo Likes; Subscribers; Shares
Twitter Followers/Tweets/Re-tweets/Favorite
YouTube Views/Channel Subscribe/Video likes
Pinterest Followers
Google Circles
Instagram Followers
Website hits
...and many many more!
Q:So how do I use AddMeFast to get all the popularity?
A:Since AddMeFast is a social exchange site, whereby you follow/like others to earn points, and to get followers/likes, you offer points. Hence, points are essential for huge amount of followers/likes. This tutorial will teach you how to get THOUSANDS of points into your account DAILY without doing anything!
What will you need:
All you need is 5 minutes!
2)Firefox iMacros Plugin
3)An AddMeFast Account
4)iMacros scripts Version 3.1 [24 March 2016]
Setting up:
3 simple steps and you're done! ;)
1)After you're done with getting Firefox and iMacros plugin, go to C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Documents\iMacros\Macros and extract the 'AddMeFast' folder in there.
Screenshot - ZIP password: This is made by Reinheart on HackForums. I promise not to distribute his scripts anywhere else.
2)Open your Firefox and open iMacros, you should see 10 scripts on the left iMacros pannel. You're almost done setting up ;)
3)Simply create a junk Facebook/Youtube/Twitter account, and ensure that you're logged in whenever you visit the Facebook/Youtube, then select any of the script you prefer, and set loop from 1 to 9999 and click 'Play (loop)', wait for 3 minutes and if points are increasing, you're doing it right
Tips to maximize points earnings:
1)Always make a new trash YouTube/Facebook account once in awhile (every month for me), this way you will be able to avoid liking those things that you already liked.
2)Open multiple windows of Firefox, each running a different script.
3)Whenever the script is being ran, take 10 minutes to ensure that you're earning points before you leave it to autopilot.
4)Collect Daily Bonus of 150 Points by completing 20 offers. Bonus page!
5) NEW! For websites such as Facebook that requires you to verify your email for your newly created junk account which you will make once every 3 days(Stated in point 1), you can easily make a junk e-mail at HERE, it takes less than 1 minute for each account.